Thursday, June 21, 2007

XStream fight.

Morning started with searching the difference between XStream and other Parsers like DOM.

The motive was clear "find out which parser is better". But i was in nowhere looking out what is XStream and wat's DOM. It took 2 hours to understand and start working with XStream.
You can have look at it by

Than it was time to find out about DOM.

Well i must say i couldn't find any example to start with it. I got to hear that the kind of xml i'm gonna parse is gonna be easy with XStream. Even by Project Leader told me that. But i'm really looking some stuff with DOM parser.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Abhi,
Really glad to see you, make this blog.

Of course we'll be contributing to this and getting benefits out of it.

BTW, the following link could be of some help for starting DOM parsing.
Just try out.